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Error handling

HTTP Status Code

Http Status CodeDescription
200 - OKThe request is successfully completed
400 - Bad RequestThe request is not accepted, usually due to incorrect or missing required parameters
401 - UnauthorizedUnable to authenticate the account (API Keys do not exist, partnerCode does not exist, JWT Token expired or authentication failed).
403 - ForbiddenNo access rights to perform the request or the accessing IP is not whitelisted
404 - Not FoundThe accessed resource does not exist
500 - Server ErrorsError from the AppotaPay system

Here are some common error codes on APIs

Error codeDescription
1The request is missing required information or is invalid
11The partner does not exist
13The partner has been locked
14The API Key does not exist
15The API Key has not been activated or has been locked
91The system is busy, please try again later
92The IP address is not allowed to access
94The system is undergoing maintenance, please try again later
99Undefined error, please check the transaction again later
500The system encountered an error, please try again later