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Payment process


  • On the website or the application of the partner, the customer selects a product or a service, then chooses to make a payment via AppotaPay's payment gateway
  • The partner's server calls AppotaPay's API to create a transaction and get the payment link
  • After receiving the results, the website or application redirects the customer to the payment link.

Integration model

Ảnh quy trình thanh toán


  • Step 1: Customers select services and products and then choose one of payment methods (ATM / Visa card)
  • Step 2: The Partner server calls the AppotaPay server to request payment
  • Step 3: AppotaPay PayGate responses payment link
  • Step 4: The Partner's website or application redirects the customer to the payment link
  • Step 5: Customers make the payment
  • Step 6: AppotaPay PayGate sends payment request
  • Step 7: Bank/Provider processes payment and return transaction result
  • Step 8, 9: AppotaPay processes the transaction then redirect to the redirectUrl. At the same time, the AppotaPay server calls the IPN API (notifyUrl) of the partner server to notify the transaction result.
  • Step 10: Partner server processes transaction and return result
  • Step 11: The Partner's website or application shows the results to customers.

Reference API