On the website or the application of the partner, the customer selects a product or a service, then chooses to make a payment via AppotaPay's payment gateway
The partner's server calls AppotaPay's API to create a transaction and get the payment link
After receiving the results, the website or application redirects the customer to the payment link.
Step 1: Customers select services and products and then choose one of payment methods (ATM / Visa card)
Step 2: The Partner server calls the AppotaPay server to request payment
Step 3: AppotaPay PayGate responses payment link
Step 4: The Partner's website or application redirects the customer to the payment link
Step 5: Customers make the payment
Step 6: AppotaPay PayGate sends payment request
Step 7: Bank/Provider processes payment and return transaction result
Step 8, 9: AppotaPay processes the transaction then redirect to the redirectUrl. At the same time, the AppotaPay server calls the IPN API (notifyUrl) of the partner server to notify the transaction result.
Step 10: Partner server processes transaction and return result
Step 11: The Partner's website or application shows the results to customers.