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Check 3DS Enrollment


POST /credit-card/enrollment

Header Params

Content-Type: "application/json",
X-APPOTAPAY-AUTH: "your_auth_token",
Language: "en", // option vi | en, default vi
X-Request-ID: "your_request_id" // optional - easy to debug request

Request Params

ParametersRequirementData typeDescriptionNote
cardrequiredObjectCard information
card.numberrequiredStringCard number16 numbers
card.holderNamerequiredStringCard holderMin: 1 Max: 50 Including: 0- 9, a-z, A-Z, Space
card.expirationMonthrequiredStringCard expiration month, including leading 0 (E.g.: 03 for March)Format: MM
card.expirationYearrequiredStringCard expiration year (E.g.: 25)Format: YY
card.cvvrequiredStringCard verification number, also known as CVV
The card's secret code includes 3 or 4 numbers
tokenIdrequired_ifStringRequired if card isn't provided
Token ID for payment instead of card information
amountrequiredFloatAmount of the payment processed on the card, being submitted for authentication (E.g.: 1000)Support VND
merchantRefIdrequiredStringReference ID you can use to identify the transactionMin: 1 Max: 40
returnUrlrequiredStringShould be a valid URL that end-customers will be redirected to after 3DS is performedIt is a valid URL
currencyrequiredStringPayment currency. Should be a 3-letter code following the ISO-4217 standardSupport: VND
customeroptionalObjectCustomer Information
customer.browseroptionalObjectCustomer's browser information.
customer.browser.clientIpoptionalStringIP address of the customer deviceIPv4 Min: 7 Max: 45
customer.browser.userAgentoptionalStringUser Agent of customer. Information is collected from header sent from the client's device
Used for risk management
E.g: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/92.0.4512.0 Safari/537.36
Max: 500

The previous address is redirected to the merchant page

Used for risk management

E.g: AppotaPay - The leading online payment company in Vietnam

Min: 1 Max: 500

Customer device language

E.g: vi-VN, en-US

Used for risk management

Min: 2 Max: 10
billingoptionalObjectBilling details of the cardholder. If entered, should correspond with billing details registered by the cardholder with their issuer.

First name of cardholder

Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0

Min: 1 Max: 50
billing.lastNameoptionalStringLast name of cardholder
Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0
Min: 1 Max: 50
billing.emailoptionalStringCardholder’s email address on record with issuer
Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0
Min: 1 Max: 255
billing.phoneNumberoptionalStringCardholder’s mobile phone number on record with issuer
Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0
Min: 8 Max: 20
billing.provinceoptionalStringUse this to enter province, state or region of residence. If the user is USA citizen, make sure to use state code (e.g put CA instead of California)
Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0
Min: 1 Max: 100
billing.cityoptionalStringCity, village or town as appropriate
Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0
Min: 1 Max: 100
billing.countryoptionalString2-letter ISO 3166-2 country code for the customer's country of residence
Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0
Min: 2 Max: 2
billing.addressLine1optionalStringBuilding name and apartment unit number
Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0
Min: 1 Max: 100
billing.addressLine2optionalStringBuilding name and apartment unit number
Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0
Min: 1 Max: 100
billing.postalCodeoptionalStringPostal, zip or rural delivery code, if applicable
Useful with frictionless 3DS 2.0
Min: 1 Max: 10

Example Request

"merchantRefId": "7Xthy1kbi",
"amount": 1000000,
"currency": "VND",
"returnUrl": "",
"tokenId": "01hjag3z1dfmznj52hhk33njy8",
"customer": {
"browser": {
"clientIp": "",
"userAgent": "",
"referrer": "",
"acceptLanguage": "en-US"
"billing": {
"firstName": "Sheryl",
"lastName": "Nhung",
"email": "",
"phoneNumber": "02345686432",
"alternatePhoneNumber": "02345686432",
"province": "VP",
"city": "VT",
"country": "VN",
"addressLine1": "81 Lang Ha",
"addressLine2": "17 Mai Anh Tuan",
"postalCode": "10000"

When a user is redirected to the 3DS Authentication page to perform 3DS during the verification process, AppotaPay will collect device data directly from the user’s browser. Merchants are not required to collect this data from users and send this to AppotaPay.

This device data will be used by our fraud detection service to further secure transactions. The data collected is as follows:

  • IP Address of end customer
  • Browser configuration (user-agent, language, screen size, time zone)
  • Referrer

Response Params

"id": "01HQHR9W32E2RDSF6KM51PSJ92",
"merchantRefId": "HJ1OsUcDI",
"tokenId": "01hqhr8vgdw64qhqgvm2tsbpew",
"status": "PENDING",
"amount": 1000000,
"currency": "VND",
"deviceDataCollectionUrl": "",
"card": {
"number": "400000XXXXXX0010",
"expirationMonth": "12",
"expirationYear": "29",
"cardBrand": "MASTERCARD",
"cardType": "CREDIT",
"country": "VN"


Http Status Code 200 - OK

ParametersData typeDescriptionNote
idStringUnique authentication ID returned by AppotaPay to identify the 3DS transaction.
merchantRefIdStringYour reference ID for identifying the transaction, sent in the requestMin:1 Max:40
tokenIdStringRequired if card isn't provided
ID of a token created via the AppotaPay Tokenization API
Min:1 Max:32
amountStringAmount of the payment processed on the card, being submitted for authentication
currencyStringPayment currency. Should be a 3-letter code following the ISO-4217 standardSupport: VND
cardStringData of the card being charged
card.numberStringCard number16 numbers
card.expirationMonthStringCard expiration month, including leading 0 (E.g.: 03 for March)Format: MM
card.expirationYearStringCard expiration year (E.g.: 27)Format: YY
statusStringAuthentication status classified as:
CARD_ENROLLED Card is 3DS enrolled and pending verification by user
ENROLLMENT_CHECK_FAILED Failed to check enrollment status. Likely due to an issue with the issuer or card network.
CARD_NOT_ENROLLED Card is not 3DS enrolled
VERIFIED 3DS verification succeeded. When authentication is successful, the eci value will be one of the following values: 05, 02, 06, 01. Proceed with authorization.
FAILED 3DS verification failed
PENDING Only returned for 3DS 2.0 transactions or where the processor used is MIGS. Redirect the user to the 3DS page to continue the process.
deviceDataCollectionUrlStringIf the status is CARD_ENROLLED or PENDING, cardholder needs to be redirected to this URL to proceed with 3DS verification
eciStringElectronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) status code for card's enrollment. Only returned when authentication is completed or failed.
05 or 02 - Successful authentication. Proceed with authorization.
06 or 01 - Card not enrolled or authentication skipped due to frictionless flow. Proceed with authorization.
07 or 00 - Failed authentication.


HTTP Status Code != 200


  • CARD_ENROLLED | PENDING → Transaction should be verified before charge. Render a 3DS window for the cardholder to verify.
  • CARD_NOT_ENROLLED → Clear to proceed to charge (verification not required)
  • ENROLLMENT_CHECK_FAILED → Clear to proceed to charge (verification not possible at this time)

3DS Verification Window

  • If the card is enrolled in 3DS, redirect the cardholder to deviceDataCollectionUrl to perform 3DS or render the 3DS page in an iframe.

After 3DS Verification

  • After the cardholder completes the 3DS, the cardholder will be redirected to the return_url that was sent in the initial enrollment request. The authentication_id and status will be appended in the URL query through POST method.
  • The full authentication response is not sent to the return_url. The URL queries in the redirect request cannot fully be trusted as a malicious user might perform the redirect call manually to trick the merchant’s system into thinking that the authentication was successful.
  • To see the full authentication response, the merchant needs a separate backend call to retrieve the authentication object.

Redirect users back to the merchant’s page

ParametersData typeDescription
authenticationIdStringWhen redirecting user to merchant's page, authentication is appended in the URL query
Merchant can perform a GET request to check the full request object before performing a charge
statusStringFinal authentication status
- VERIFIED (3DS verification is successful)
- FAILED (3DS verification has failed)