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Get authentication


POST /credit-card/enrollment/validate/:authenticationId

Header Params

Content-Type: "application/json",
X-APPOTAPAY-AUTH: "your_auth_token",
Language: "en", // option vi | en, default vi
X-Request-ID: "your_request_id" // optional - easy to debug request

Request Params

ParametersRequirementData typeDescriptionNote
authenticationIdrequiredStringauthenticationId is from the URL query when redirecting user to merchant's page

Response Params

"authenticationId": "01HQHR9W32E2RDSF6KM51PSJ92",
"merchantRefId": "HJ1OsUcDI",
"status": "PENDING",
"amount": 1000000,
"currency": "VND",
"tokenId": "01hqhr8vgdw64qhqgvm2tsbpew",
"deviceDataCollectionUrl": "",
"card": {
"number": "400000XXXXXX0010",
"expirationMonth": "12",
"expirationYear": "29",
"cardBrand": "MASTERCARD",
"cardType": "CREDIT",
"country": "VN"


Http Status Code 200 - OK

ParametersData typeDescriptionNote
authenticationIdStringUnique authentication ID returned by AppotaPay to identify the 3DS transaction.
merchantRefIdStringYour reference ID for identifying the transactionMin:1 Max:40
cardStringData of the card being charged
card.numberStringCard number16 numbers
card.expirationMonthStringCard expiration month, including leading 0 (E.g.: 03 for March)Format: MM
card.expirationYearStringCard expiration year (E.g.: 27)Format: YY
card.typeStringCard type:
card.brandStringCard brand:
card.countryStringCountry of the card issuing bank in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (E.g.: VN, US)
amountFloatAmount of the payment processed on the card, being submitted for authentication (E.g.: 1000)Support VND
statusStringAuthentication status classified as:
CARD_ENROLLED Card is 3DS enrolled and pending verification by user
ENROLLMENT_CHECK_FAILED Failed to check enrollment status. Likely due to an issue with the issuer or card network.
CARD_NOT_ENROLLED Card is not 3DS enrolled
VERIFIED 3DS verification succeeded
FAILED 3DS verification failed
PENDING EMV 3DS and MIGS only. Redirect the user to the 3DS page to continue the process.
deviceDataCollectionUrlStringIf the status is CARD_ENROLLED or PENDING, cardholder needs to be redirected to this URL to proceed with 3DS verification
eciStringECI status code for card's enrollment.
05 or 02 - Successful authentication. Proceed with authorization.
06 or 01 - Card not enrolled or authentication skipped due to frictionless flow. Proceed with authorization.
07 or 00 - Failed authentication.
threeDsVersionString3DS version of the current authentication request
- 2.1.0 - 3DS 2.0 / EMV 3DS:
- 1.0.2 - 3DS 1.0


HTTP Status Code != 200

Authentication Callback

After we receive the 3DS verification result, we will send a callback to the merchant’s callback URL (that the merchant sent us before integration) through a POST request.

Event Schema

ParametersData typeDescription
eventStringType of event.
For authentication events it will be: credit_card.authentication
responseTimeStringResponse time of the event according to RFC-3339 standard, time zone UTC+7
dataStringData of the event. See Event Object structure
For readable data, you should use:
- Base64 Decode data string
- Then, JSON Decode data string from string was Base64 Decoded
Example decode data:
- dataJson = JSON_Decode(Base64_Decode(data))
signatureStringSignature to verify data
signature = HMACSHA256(data, secret_key)
- data: param data from request body
- secret_key: from your application is registered to AppotaPay

Event Object structure

authenticationIdStringUnique authentication ID returned by AppotaPay to identify the 3DS transaction.
merchantRefIdStringYour reference ID for identifying the transactionMin:1 Max:40
cardStringData of the card being charged
card.numberStringCard number16 numbers
card.expirationMonthStringCard expiration month, including leading 0 (E.g.: 03 for March)Format: MM
card.expirationYearStringCard expiration year (E.g.: 27)Format: YY
card.typeStringCard type:
card.brandStringCard brand:
card.countryStringCountry of the card issuing bank in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (E.g.: VN, US)
amountFloatAmount of the payment processed on the card, being submitted for authentication (E.g.: 1000)Support VND
statusStringAuthentication status classified as:
CARD_ENROLLED Card is 3DS enrolled and pending verification by user
ENROLLMENT_CHECK_FAILED Failed to check enrollment status. Likely due to an issue with the issuer or card network.
CARD_NOT_ENROLLED Card is not 3DS enrolled
VERIFIED 3DS verification succeeded
FAILED 3DS verification failed
PENDING EMV 3DS and MIGS only. Redirect the user to the 3DS page to continue the process.
eciStringECI status code for card's enrollment.
05 or 02 - Successful authentication. Proceed with authorization.
06 or 01 - Card not enrolled or authentication skipped due to frictionless flow. Proceed with authorization.
07 or 00 - Failed authentication.
threeDsVersionString3DS version of the current authentication request
- 2.1.0 - 3DS 2.0 / EMV 3DS:
- 1.0.2 - 3DS 1.0

Example event callback data

"event": "credit_card.authentication",
"responseTime": "2023-12-12T11:54:23+07:00",
"signature": "3d82e6b73cc8ebaa433137d74700422163fc1851d260b879aa7b6041f5bcefbf"

When you decode data, you can view callback event data detail:

"event": "credit_card.authentication",
"responseTime": "2023-12-12T11:54:23+07:00",
"data": {
"authenticationId": "01HHE602X35MWVGYKADJ9QWM4G",
"merchantRefId": "auvzEekQQ",
"status": "VERIFIED",
"amount": 10000,
"currency": "VND",
"card": {
"number": "520000XXXXXX2151",
"expirationMonth": "01",
"expirationYear": "24",
"cardBrand": "MASTERCARD",
"cardType": "CREDIT",
"country": "MY"
"eci": "02",
"threeDsVersion": "2.2.0"
"signature": "3d82e6b73cc8ebaa433137d74700422163fc1851d260b879aa7b6041f5bcefbf"

To verify data by signature, you can use secret_key from JWT (your application was registered)

secret_key = "Your_secret_key_was_resigtered"
signature = HMACSHA256(data, secret_key)

The reference link to generate the signature: Free online Hash Hmac tool using algorithm SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 and more - Devtool