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Authentication Link

The backend system of the Partner returns this Authentication Link to open the login form. Customers enter information on the login form to link their AppotaPay wallet account


GET /oauth/login

Request Params

ParametersRequirementData typeDescriptionNote
client_keyrequiredStringThe API_KEY information on Application
scoperequiredStringScope of permissions. Please refer to ScopeValue: ",user.apoint_payment,user.wallet_payment"
response_typerequiredStringThe data type returnedValue: "code"
redirect_urirequiredStringAfter successful linking, the system will call this URI with AUTHORIZATION_CODE and state parameters
stateoptionalStringThis information is often used to prevent request forgery

Example Request,user.payment&response_type=code&redirect_uri=YOUR_REDIRECT_URI&state=YOUR_STATE

Response Params

  • Success: Response login page
  • Error: Redirect error page


Permission nameDescription
user.infoRetrieve basic information (fullname , apoint_balance,...)
user.apoint_paymentUsing APoint balance to pay for services
user.wallet_paymentUsing wallet balance to pay for services