API Transfer money
Endpoint: /api/v1/service/transfer/make
Method: POST
Header: How to generate JWT_TOKEN
"Content-Type": "application/json"
Params | Required | Type | Description |
bankCode | √ | String | Bank code as provided by AppotaPay is defined in the menu: List bank support transfer money. |
accountNo | √ | String | Account number or card bank of client. Length is 3-22 characters |
accountType | √ | String | Type of accountNo: account: Account number card: Card bank |
accountName | √ | String | Recipient's account/card holder name - Letters a-z, A-Z - Numeric characters 0-9 - Some other characters: .-,_& |
amount | √ | Integer | The money request transfer for receiver by partner |
feeType | √ | String | The person pay money transfer fee payer: Payer pay money transfer fee receiver: Receiver pay money transfer fee |
partnerRefId | √ | String | This is unique code corresponding to a request send |
message | String(100) | Content transfer money. - Max 100 characters length - Vietnamese unsigned - Only text and number - Do not fill special character: example: -,_,\ | |
customerPhoneNumber | String | Customer phone number | |
contractNumber | String | Customer contract | |
channel | String | Use the information field when paying for Citad, by default transmit 'citad' | |
bankId | String | Citad code for each branch When paying on behalf of Citad, bankId is required | |
signature | √ | String | Signature of parameter passed to the API, the parameter is included into signature like this: accountName + accountNo + accountType + amount + bankCode + contractNumber + customerPhoneNumber + + feeType + message + partnerRefId (see more how to generate signature) |
Data result
Params | Type | Description |
errorCode | Integer | Error code result |
message | String | Description detail error code |
transaction | Object | Transaction information |
transaction.phoneNumber | String | Customer phone number |
transaction.amount | Integer | Transaction money |
transaction.transferAmount | Integer | The actual amount transferred to the receiver, Will be less if this transaction paid by receiver |
transaction.appotapayTransId | String | Transaction id from AppotaPay |
transaction.time | String | Transaction time with format: d-m-Y H:i:s |
account | Object | Account information |
account.balance | Integer | Balance account after transfer |
signature | String | Signature of parameter passed to the API, the parameter is included into signature like this: amount + appotapayTransId + errorCode + time + transferAmount (see more how to generate signature) |
"bankCode": "TPBANK",
"accountNo": "132100132400000",
"accountType": "account",
"accountName": "NGUYEN VAN A",
"amount": 50000,
"feeType": "payer",
"partnerRefId": "Partner9999",
"message": "ck tien",
"customerPhoneNumber": "0374720460",
"contractNumber": "1234567",
"channel": "citad",
"signature": "b5bb9a6e9c71281fb1e9js"
"errorCode": 0,
"message": "Thành công",
"transaction": {
"amount": 50000,
"transferAmount": 50000,
"appotapayTransId": "AP19992831832",
"time": "27-10-2021 10:03:59"
"account": {
"balance": 2000000
"signature": "b5bb9a6e9c71281fb1e06d"
Test account information
Account No | Account Type | Account Name | BankCode |
9704000000000018 | card | APPOTAPAY | TECHCOMBANK |
888812345678 | account | APPOTAPAY | TECHCOMBANK |