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Cycle Object

A subscription cycle refers to one specific instance of the subscription plan's action - for e.g. a specific month's billing cycle. The subscription cycle object is generated from the subscription plan object where the subscription behaviour is defined.

Each object has the following structure:

cycleIdStringCycle ID
cycleNumberIntegerCycle number
currencyIntegerCurrency unit
attemptCountIntegerNumber of times the recurring action has been attempted for this recurring cycle object.
attemptDetailsArrayDetailed information of each action attempts
attemptDetails.*.attemptNumberIntegerA numbering that tracks the order of cycle attempts. The first attempt will be 1 and subsequent attempts are dependent on retry configuration
attemptDetails.*.createdAtStringISO 8601 timestamp for attempted actions
attemptDetails.*.attemptIdIntegerAttempt ID

Type of attempt

- INITIAL: the first attempt with each cycle

- RETRY: attempt with type INITIAL failed, then subsequent retry is set

- PAYMENT_LINK: if you use paymentLinkForFailedAttempt while creating a plan, attempts using payment link will have this type

- FORCED: if you perform a force cycle through the API we provide


Attempt status:

- PENDING: payment cycle is in progress

- SUCCESS: attempt cycle successfully

- FAILED: attempt cycle unsuccessfully

attemptDetails.*.nextRetryTimeStringISO 8601 Estimated timestamp for next retry
scheduledAtStringSchedule timestampt (format ISO-8601)

Cycle status:

- SCHEDULED: cycle has been initialized and waiting for execution time

- PENDING: recurring payment is in progress (cycle cannot be updated)

- RETRYING: cycle needs to charge again

- FAILED: all attempts/retries configured for the cycle have failed

- SUCCEEDED: cycle is charge successfully

- CANCELLED: cycle is canceled due to request from merchant

createdAtStringCycle creation time (standard format: ISO-8601)
updatedAtStringLast updated time (standard format: ISO-8601)


"cycleNumber": 3,
"currency": "VND",
"amount": 405100,
"attemptCount": 5,
"attemptDetails": [
"attemptNumber": 4,
"createdAt": "2024-01-22T18:03:42+07:00",
"attemptId": "01HRVK5AFCB5EJASJVEK48VD96",
"type": "FORCED",
"status": "FAILED",
"nextRetryTime": null
"attemptNumber": 2,
"createdAt": "2024-01-22T18:03:20+07:00",
"attemptId": "01HRVK5K8V0D7ZGNA6PSQGD1DF",
"type": "FORCED",
"status": "FAILED",
"nextRetryTime": null
"scheduledAt": "2024-02-14T16:23:28+07:00",
"status": "SCHEDULED",
"createdAt": "2024-01-22T18:01:28+07:00",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-22T18:03:58+07:00"