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Plan callback

After creating the plan, the AppotaPay system calls back the results to the partner's system

  • Using the signature parameter to check the integrity of the received data, the partner creates a signature from the data received by AppotaPay and then compares it with the signature parameter sent by AppotaPay.

Web callback

AppotaPay will send the results via the API URL of the partner sending AppotaPay for configuration, the partner server checks the data integrity through the signature parameter then updates the status of plan.

"Content-Type": "applicaton/json"

Request params

Method: POST

dataStringTransaction information is encode with base64encode & json_encode format
signatureStringSignature to check data

signature = HMAC_SHA256(data, secretKey)

timeStringResponse time


  1. Partners use the Base64Decode function to decode data in string form.
  2. Use the JSON_Decode function to decode the data a second time in json form.


- subscription.plan.activated: plan is activated

- subscription.plan.inactivated: plan is inactivated

data.partnerRefIdRequiredStringUnique reference code of partner
data.planIdRequiredStringPlan ID
data.customerIdRequiredStringCustomer ID
data.currencyRequiredStringCurrency unit
data.amountRequiredIntegerPayment amount
data.paymentMethodsRequiredArrayDPayment method list
data.paymentMethods.*.paymentMethodIdRequiredStringPayment method ID
data.paymentMethods.*.rankRequiredIntegerIndicate the order which payments methods will be attempted for a payment cycle instance. Available values - 1 to 5

Charge immediately when successfully creating the plan, null: charge at anchorDate time

- FULL_AMOUNT: charge when successfully initializing the plan


Action of plan when the payment cycle fails

- STOP: Stop the plan

- RESUME: Skip the failed cycle and proceed to the next cycle


Status of plan:

- PENDING: request to initiate plan has been sent, wait exact status from AppotaPay

- REQUIRES_ACITON: additional actions need to be performed to activate plan

- ACTIVE: plan is activated to perform recurring payment with specific schedule

- INACTIVE: plan is inactivated or created unsuccessfully

data.actionsOptionalArrayIf status is REQUIRES_ACTION, the object has specific information to perform the next action to activate the payment method
data.actions.*.urlOptionalStringURL to perform action

The purpose the corresponding action

- AUTH: Trigger this action in order to authorize linking or payment

- RESEND_AUTH: Trigger this action in order to resend the authorization code to the end-customer


HTTP method for calling the url.



data.scheduleRequiredObjectObject containing the configurations of how Subscriptions cycles will be scheduled
data.schedule.intervalRequiredStringThe type of interval between consecutive Subscriptions cycles.
data.schedule.intervalCountRequiredStringThe number of units of interval between consecutive Subscriptions cycles

The total number of times the end user will be charged

If the parameter is not used, Subscriptions plan will run on indefinitely


Time to make recurring payments

Default: the date of schedule creation

Supported values: Timestamps between 1st to 28th of a month

Lưu ý: nếu anchorDate: null và thời điểm khởi tạo plan là ngày 29/30/31 của tháng, anchorDate mặc định sẽ lấy value là ngày 1 của tháng tiếp theo

data.schedule.retryIntervalOptionalStringThe type of interval between failed attempt and retries.
data.schedule.retryIntervalCountOptionalIntegerThe number of units of retryInterval between consecutive retries
data.createdAtRequiredStringPlan creation time (standard format: ISO-8601)
data.updatedAtRequiredStringLast updated time (standard format: ISO-8601)