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Refund Object

Each object has the following structure:

refundIdStringRefund transaction code on AppotaPay's side
attemptIdStringIdentifier for the corresponding successful payment attempt of cycle to be refunded. It's returned in cycle callback
refundRefIdStringPartner's refund transaction reference code
amountIntegerThe refunded amount
currencyStringCurrency unit
reasonStringReason for refund

- FRAUDULENT: Fraudulent

- DUPLICATE: Duplicate

- REQUESTED_BY_CUSTOMER: Requested by customer

- CANCELLATION: Cancellation

- OTHER: Others

statusStringRefund status
createdAtStringTransaction execution time (ISO 8601)
updatedAtStringTransaction update time (ISO 8601)


"refundId": "4c1016c7-74fc-4856-aff0-8754a1a20482",
"attemptId": "01HY2TRW9EBTPWGPJDGPD9JMA9",
"refundRefId": "ASKJLKALK20398139",
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "VND",
"status": "success",
"createdAt": "2024-06-18T18:21:24+07:00",
"updatedAt": "2024-06-18T19:21:24+07:00"