Plan Object
Subscriptions plan object will take in the customer object, schedule object to set up the subscription payments behaviour for a particular end user.
Each object has the following structure:
Param | Type | Description |
planRefId | String | Unique reference code of partner. Partner-provided identifier for the plan. |
planId | String | AppotaPay-generated subscription plan ID |
customerId | String | Customer ID |
currency | String | Currency unit |
amount | Integer | Payment amount |
paymentMethods | Array | Payment method list (Only show if the integration model is Merchant hosted) |
paymentMethods.*.paymentMethodId | String | Payment method ID |
paymentMethods.*.rank | Integer | Indicate the order which payments methods will be attempted for a payment cycle instance. Available values - 1 to 5 |
immediateActionType | String | Charge immediately when successfully creating the plan, null: charge at anchorDate time - FULL_AMOUNT: charge when successfully initializing the plan |
failedCycleAction | String | Action of plan when the payment cycle fails - STOP: Stop the plan - RESUME: Skip the failed cycle and proceed to the next cycle |
serviceName | String | Service name of subscription plan (Only show if the integration model is Checkout Page) |
status | String | Status: - PENDING: request to initiate plan has been sent, wait exact status from AppotaPay - REQUIRES_ACITON: additional actions need to be performed to activate plan - ACTIVE: plan is activated to perform recurring payment with specific schedule - INACTIVE: plan is inactivated or created unsuccessfully |
actions | Array | If status is REQUIRES_ACTION, the object has specific information to perform the next action to activate the payment method |
actions.*.url | String | URL to perform action |
actions.*.action | String | The purpose the corresponding action - AUTH: Trigger this action in order to authorize linking or payment - RESEND_AUTH: Trigger this action in order to resend the authorization code to the end-customer - **PAY **: Trigger this action in order to input payment information and make a payment (this action is only show with the Checkout Page model) |
actions.*.method | String | HTTP method for calling the url. - GET - POST |
schedule | Object | Object containing the configurations of how Subscriptions cycles will be scheduled |
schedule.interval | String | The type of interval between consecutive Subscriptions cycles |
schedule.intervalCount | String | The number of units of interval between consecutive Subscriptions cycles |
schedule.totalRecurrence | Integer | The total number of times the end user will be charged If the parameter is not used, Subscriptions plan will run on indefinitely |
schedule.anchorDate | String | Time to make recurring payments Default: the date of schedule creation Supported values: Timestamps between 1st to 28th of a month Note: if anchorDate is null or date of schedule creation falls on 29/30/31, anchor date will be defaulted to 1st of next month |
schedule.retryInterval | String | The type of interval between failed attempt and retries. |
schedule.retryIntervalCount | Integer | The number of units of retryInterval between consecutive retries |
notificationConfig.[subscription.cycle.retrying] | Array | Specify which channel you want to notify your customer through when the cycle is unsuccessful, so it's necessary to attempt the next time Accepted value ["EMAIL"] |
notificationConfig.[subscription.cycle.succeeded] | Array | Specify which channel you want to notify your customer through when the cycle is successfully completed Accepted value ["EMAIL"] |
notificationConfig.[subscription.cycle.failed] | Array | Specify which channel you want to notify your customer through when the cycle failed Accepted value ["EMAIL"] |
notificationConfig.[subscription.plan.activated] | Array | Specify which channel you want to notify your customer through when the subscription plan is activated Accepted value ["EMAIL"] |
notificationConfig.[subscription.plan.inactivated] | Array | Specify which channel you want to notify your customer through when the subscription plan is inactivated Accepted value ["EMAIL"] |
currencyExchange | Object | |
currencyExchange.amount | Number | Exchange amount Supports 2 decimals, eg: 12.02 |
currencyExchange.currency | String | Currency unit Support: USD |
createdAt | String | Creation time (standard format: ISO-8601) |
updatedAt | String | Last updated time (standard format: ISO-8601) |
"planRefId": "ASKJLKALK299",
"planId": "01HRVJZV0W9NK63SDDXHW04T9H",
"customerId": "01HRVM5AA6JCKZJ8ERZ6MKKFJZ",
"currency": "VND",
"amount": 85000,
"paymentMethods": [
"paymentMethodId": "01HRVM7BFCP1QH7R6MFPASVH0W",
"rank": 1
"immediateActionType": "FULL_AMOUNT",
"failedCycleAction": "STOP",
"status": "PENDING",
"actions": [],
"schedule": {
"interval": "DAY",
"intervalCount": 1,
"totalRecurrence": 3,
"anchorDate": "2024-01-13T15:23:40+07:00",
"retryInterval": "DAY",
"retryIntervalCount": 1
"createdAt": "2024-01-29T11:36:02+07:00",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-29T11:36:04+07:00"